
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2018

In this regard the experience based writings of readers “how their difficulties, starvation and unemployment end”,” How a starved person became a wealthy person?” will be mentioned. You must write yours or your relative’s eye witnessed or listened story. Millions will be benefited. 


 Respected Hakeem Sahib Assala mo Alaikum! I can’t believe that a person can do the work for the service of humanity. May Allah almighty grant you the reward of it and give you long age. Respected Hakeem Sahib! I got Ubqari magazine when I studied in college but I didn’t read it with attention, I brought three to four magazines at home, during this my friend said me to recite wazifa of محمد رسول اللہ   one and half lac times, I recited it too, when I come to my problems, my heart and eyes are filled with tears. We were wealthy people, my father was in Saudi Arabia, and my father had two brothers and six sisters. My father did the marriages of all, spent a lot of money on brother, then my another brother was born; we were two brothers and two sisters. Before the birth of mine, my father came back to Pakistan and started business there, I am the youngest, we had cars, hotels, bank balance, money and everything, thanks to Allah, my father spent millions on his brothers. My brothers got their education, then my father did the marriage of my brother with my mother’s niece, my father did the marriage very well, but my father wanted to do the marriage of my brother with his niece, they were not good people that’s why we didn’t sent the proposal, my brother was not happy with these two proposals, he liked daughter of my aunt, but he had to accept the proposal because my mother had given her tongue to her brother, but from the time my brother’s bride came to our house till now, my uncle treated with us in the way even an enemy would not have done to anyone. He did spell on us and tortured us in many ways. My father’s brothers and sisters didn’t participate in my brother’s marriage. The down fall and destruction started from the day of marriage, our all cars, hotels, and livestock was sold. One year was good but then starvation started in our houses, there was nothing to eat, the elder brother did nothing, his mind didn’t work properly, we were under debt and there was no one who give that debt. At last my younger brother did the courage, after his intermediate he became waiter in a hotel having pay of five thousand, we had to survive on it, but the days passed in this difficulty. At last, Allah did mercy on us, the recruitments in police department started in Ramadan, and my brother gave test with the name of Allah and became successful, after that, conditions were better to some extent. But my elder brother is unemployed still. We did our sister’s marriage. When we did the intention of marriage, there were only twenty thousand rupees at home but with the help of Allah the marriage was done in a very good manner. After this we bought a cow. Today, Alhamdulillah! There is money; livestock, cow, hens and everything in our house, there were quarrels in our house but now there is peace. Brother is trying to go abroad, Insha’Allah his work would also be done, the wazifa of محمد رسول اللہ continues. Our near relative said to my father to know about hotel, it is all the mercy and blessing of Allah. I would just say who says nothing is achieved from Ubqari, we have got that much from Ubqari that was not even in our imagination. Is there any magazine or person who is like Ubqari, no one, and no one will be like it. Respected Hakeem Sahib! My supplications are with you. I do the wazaif I got from Ubqari and these are: I have completed four syllabus of محمد رسول اللہ, every difficulty became easy, besides this the wazaif…. 


There are many people who think well of others but not of themselves. To do well with others is a good thing, but as much as to do badly with others is a sin; the same is the sin to do bad with himself. It is an obligation of every person that he must keep his heart and body healthy as much as he can. How sad it is that the people think that their spending should be less and income should be more, we produce twenty rupees by spending ten rupees, but we don’t worry about the health of our body. We have no idea that how much strength is produced in us. In the past year, how much weight we had, how much blood, how many breaths we took in one minute, how many work we did in one hour, how much we walked and what is our condition this year? We don’t even think about it in our dream. We are enemy of ourselves and always ready to fight with ourselves. We keep a lot of hopes from ourselves but we don’t able ourselves for big deals and works. Whether we become lazy and spent time in relaxation or we remain busy in daily work and become ill. In other words whether we relax or not, both conditions are bad and injurious to health. Our body is like a machine, no doubt it is for doing work but a machine would be perfect when its parts would be oiled and cleaned properly. If a machine works day and night and remains unchecked and will not be cleaned up, the result is it would be damaged. It will run six months instead of a year. Same is the situation with our body. Relaxation should be given to the body after taking work from it, the body would become weak if too less and too more work would be taken through it. Therefore, neither body should be left without work, nor more work should be taken from it. 



If there are hair or spots on the face, get new life from female healing (khatoon shifa), use with trust if you have menstrual pain and get rid of it, a ray of happiness for the women who face the irregularity of periods. Use this medicine if your body is becoming fat after marriage

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